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As a special "Thank You" for taking the time to join, I'd like to give you this FREE meditation "Raising the Power". This guided meditation is a deeper meditation to enhance your intuitive psychic abilities. Throughout this meditation, I'll instruct you how to open and raise your energy safely and efficiently through all the chakras, how to open and expand your aura, and how to make yourself more receptive to psychic information.
Once you enter your details, and hit the SUBMIT button, you will receive a Thank You email, with the link to the streaming meditation. I hope you enjoy!
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I very much look forward to welcoming you to my community.
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Thank you for joining my online community, and you should now start to receive my regular "Soul Inspirations" e-newsletters. Just to remind you it's important to add "" to your Address Book to ensure delivery of our emails. With every e-newsletter, you will always find the unsubscribe function at the bottom, and if you change email address at any time, naturally I request that you re-submit your new email address.
As a special thank you ... I hope you will use this meditation to Raising the Power.
Blessings .... John
p.s. If you have any problems, you can email my office at
Latest Soul Inspiration
What Does Soul Windex Look Like?
As you know, I’m all about the soul. It’s one of my favorite topics for teaching and it’s the lifeline of my beliefs. Oftentimes, my students and friends send me stories and sayings they’ve heard about the soul. I found a thought-provoking one today that I want to share with you.
With Endings, There are Always Beginnings
I can't believe it's almost autumn again. I love autumn—it’s my favorite season. It’s a time when the leaves start changing colors. They go from those vibrant greens to golden yellows and finally deep reds. Why do I love this beautiful season? It always reminds me that everything is changing. And that’s a good thing!
How Animals Help Us Speak the Truth
I just watched an Instagram video that really moved me. It showed a little girl in a stroller who sees a horse for the very first time. Her entire face lights up as she glances into the horse’s eyes and reaches up to pet this magnificent creature. You can just tell as you see this child’s beaming smile and the horse moving in for a closer look—that they have made an intuitive connection.