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International psychic medium, author & spiritual teacher

About John Holland

John is no ordinary man! Even as a child, he didn’t have a conventional childhood. It was as though Spirit had already singled him out and mapped his future. Over the decades, he has devoted himself to both his personal and spiritual development, and as a result, he’s become one of the most respected psychic mediums and spiritual teachers on the world stage today. John takes his work seriously and treats it with the utmost integrity and respect. As he says: “If I can help people connect with someone on the Other-Side – by linking with the Spirit World – to bring peace, comfort, and perhaps some closure, or if I can help you understand and tap into your own inner guidance (psychic intuition) for answers, then I truly feel that I’ve done my job.”

John was born with an inner-sense of knowing – knowing that he was the different one in the family. Events molded his early days, as he quickly learned to deal with the power of his intuitive nudges, and accepting the beginnings of his psychic awakenings, which had already started influencing events. For him, they quickly became normal.

He received confirmation of his special psychic abilities after a near-fatal automobile accident when he was 30 years old. The shock to his system amplified his psychic skills and brought them to the surface. This was clearly a turning point, and there was no going back! He has often referred to this intense incident in his life as “His Wake–Up Call!”

What People Say

Danielle, MA

You treated us with great respect throughout the weekend and provided us with information and exercises I'll definitely continue to use as I work to enhance my abilities. More importantly, I was touched by the respect with which you discussed your work as a service to others and one that should be conducted with ethical responsibility. I was thrilled with my experience.

Danielle, MA
Paula, NY

I'd experienced much of what you shared with us over the three days, but I'd pushed it away. Your course was exactly what I needed to get through the fear and misconceptions and step over the threshold into the world of spirit. I feel so fired up and alive.

Paula, NY
Stephen B, MA

I never expected this workshop to make me challenge all my assumptions about the soul, but without doubt John asks such open and fascinating questions throughout the workshop, it was not only cathartic, but healing at the same time, as I learned more about myself in so many ways … all I can say, is ‘wow’.

Stephen B, MA

John went on to further his education and understanding of psychic sciences and mediumship after the accident so he could better understand the mechanics of how this extraordinary ability actually functioned. It was another synchronistic incident, combined with his studying, that eventually took him to the UK for two years, where he got to study with some of the top spiritual mediums and organizations in the UK.

Having gained this amazing experience and thorough grounding in the etiquette of being a professional medium, he started seeing people privately and quickly took the next step by demonstrating his ability in public, which were almost instantaneously sold out at every event, from the USA, Canada, Australia and the UK.


Today, John's charismatic and lively demonstrations provide his audience with a rare opportunity to experience the fascinating phenomenon of mediumship, which he delivers with his distinctive style of humor, intensity, and compassion. When he contacts the Spirit World, one of his most familiar sayings is: "They want to talk to you as much as you want to talk to them!" He explains the delicate process of raising his own vibrational energy to link with the Other-Side and deliver messages, which he does with clarity, passion and the utmost integrity.

He goes on to say: "Mediumship is more than just delivering messages. It's about the confirmation and validation that once our physical body dies, our 'spirit' lives on, but more importantly how the spirits of our relatives, friends, and loved ones are still connected and continue to influence our lives."

John sees his role as two-fold. He loves to educate and considers himself as a spiritual teacher as much as a practicing medium, whereby he offers a rare insight into the actual mechanics of mediumship. During his demonstrations, he explains every step of the way, how he links with spirit and the different forms of communication, illustrating the words and images that spirit uses to send messages through him – as a Spirit Messenger.

John passionately believes that his job as a psychic medium and spiritual teacher is not only to help those connect with their loved ones, but just as importantly, to empower everyone to follow their own spiritual journey.

Often, for those who lose a loved one, it can cause you to question your own beliefs about life after death. As a spiritual teacher, John can help you to tap into your psychic intuitive abilities to discover and recognize the signs and symbols associated with your loved ones who have passed on.

For more information – see John’s Frequently Asked Questions page, which is a great resource.