Recommended Reading
Here is just a short list of John’s suggested reading, including his own books.
- A Medium's Cookbook: Recipes for the Soul by Suzane Northrop (Northstar 2005)
- All My Relations – Living with Animals as Teachers and Healers by Susan Chernak McElroy (New World Publishing 2004)
- Animal and the Afterlife by Kim Sheridan (EnLightHouse Publishing 2003)
- Born Knowing by John Holland with Cindy Pearlman (Hay House Publishing 2003) **
- Bridging Two Realms by John Holland (Hay House Publishing 2018) **
- Contacting the Spirit World by Linda Williamson **
- Develop Your Psychic Skills by Enid Hoffman
- Divine Intuition: Your Inner Guide to Purpose, Peace, and Prosperity by Lynn A. Robinson
- Dream Images and Symbols by Kevin Todeschi **
- ESP for Kids by Dr. Tag Powell and Carol Howell Mills
- Everything Happens for a Reason by Suzane Northrop
- Glynis Has Your Number by Glynis McCants (Hyperion 2005)
- Hello From Heaven by Bill Guggenheim and Judy Guggenheim
- How to Heal with Color by Ted Andrews
- Is Your Child Psychic? by Alex Tanous and Katherine Fair Donnelly (iUniverse 2000)
- Intuitive Studies: A Complete Course in Mediumship by Gordon Smith **
- Life Among the Dead by Lisa Williams (Simon Spotlight Entertainment 2009)
- Living Images by Coral Polge and Kay Hunter (SAGB 1997) **
- Looking Beyond by James Van Praagh (Fireside Publishing 2003)
- Many Lives, Many Masters by Dr. Brian Weiss (Fireside 1998)
- Many Voices: The Autobiography of a Medium by Eileen Garrett **
- Mediums and Their Work by Linda Williamson **
- Messages From Spirit by Colette Baron-Reid (Hay House Publishing 2008)
- On Death and Dying by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross **
- One Last Time by John Edward (Berkley Trade 1999)
- On Grief and Grieving: Finding the Meaning of Grief through the Five Stages of Loss by Elisabeth Kubler Ross & David Kessler **
- Power of the Soul by John Holland (Hay House Publishing 2007)
- Principles of Spiritualism by Lyn de Swarte (Thorsons Publishing 1999)
- Psychic Workbook by Craig Hamilton-Parker
- Psychic Navigator by John Holland (Hay House Publishing 2004) **
- Soulful Parenting by Susan Gale and Peggy Day (A.R.E. Press 2008)
- Spiritual Unfoldment - Books 1,2,3 by White Eagle **
- Tails from Beyond by Ann Redding and Ann Campbell (Outskirts Press 2008)
- The Case for Reincarnation by Joe Fisher (Batam Publishing 1985)
- The Grief Recovery Handbook by John W. James and Russell Friedman (Harper Perennial Publishing 1998)
- The Highly Sensitive Child by Elaine Aaron, PhD (Broadway Publishing 2002)
- The Indigo Children: The New Kids Have Arrived by Lee Carroll and Jan Tober (Hay House Publishing 1999)
- The Intuitive Spark by Sonia Choquette (Hay House Publishing 2007)
- The New Mediumship by Grace Cook **
- The Power Of Your Spirit: Develop Your Natural Psychic Abilities by Stephen O’Brien (Voices Publishing 2003) **
- The Spirit Whisperer - Chronicles of a Medium by John Holland (Hay House Publishing 2010) **
- The Unmistakable Touch of Grace by Cheryl Richardson (Free Press 2006)
- Transforming Fate Into Destiny by Robert Ohotto (Hay House Publishing 2008)
- Unfinished Business by James Van Praagh (Harper One 2009)
- You Are Psychic! by Pete A Sanders, Jr.
- Billy Roboerts’ 10-Step Psychic Development Programme: How To Unlock Your Psychic Potential by Billy Roberts (published in the UK) **
- Visions, Trips and Crowded Rooms: Who and What You See Before You Die by David Kessler **
- Wheels of Life - A User's Guide to the Chakra System by Anodea Judith, PhD **
- When a Pet Passes On by Alison Landis Stone (Healthy Pet Magazine/Douglas Drew Publisher February 2008)
- **Where Two Worlds Meet: How to Develop Evidential Mediumship by Janet Nohavec and Suzanne Giesemann
** denotes books recommended specifically for mediumship development.