Your Daily Psychic Tarot Reading

with John Holland's Psychic Tarot Oracle Deck

Close your eyes and center yourself. Take a moment and ask a question you’d love to get some guidance on. When you’re ready, click on the card you feel most drawn to for your personal Psychic Tarot Oracle Reading.

Deception & Envy

To be forewarned is to be forearmed. This card comes to you at this time when people or conditions around you may not seem what they appear to be. How well do you really know the people around you? Are they telling you everything you need to know? In business, make sure you gather all the necessary information so that you know and understand all the facts before continuing. You have worked hard so dont let others take from you what is rightly yours. Unfortunately people may be envious of your accomplishments. This card also represents a time of sudden and unexpected changes, or when plans that youre undertaking may not turn out the exactly the way you envisioned. Have a plan `B as a fall-back strategy to prevent future problems. Use this card to be prepared - its better to be safe than sorry.

If you want to practice with the actual cards, click here for more information or to purchase the actual Oracle Deck and Guidebook.