soul inspiration
How to Calm Your Mind and Soul • Soul Inspirations 327 • June 29, 2020

Hi Everyone and welcome to my Soul Inspirations newsletter : "How to Calm Your Mind and Soul"

I know that many of you may have misconceptions about meditation. This word alone conjures up images of a guru chanting from the top of a mountain or a monk sitting in a sacred temple, surrounded by incense smoke floating in the air. Some people believe that meditation is as simple as closing one’s eyes and going into a trance, or at the most basic level, that you only need to let your mind go totally blank to be able to enter a meditative state.

During these uncertain times when many of us are having trouble sleeping as our minds race over the current headlines, let’s take a closer look at this ancient method of stillness and guidance of the soul.

Meditation is merely a state of being, in which your active mind slows down. It can bring you to a place where you can actually silence your mental chatter, and in doing so, become increasingly aware of the subtle, shifting energies within you. It may seem impossible, but you can actually train yourself to watch your thoughts come into your mind and go right out again, much like flowing water. Soon these same thoughts will lose their power to influence your conscious mind.

To develop your psychic/intuitive guidance system, it’s essential that you learn to enter and feel comfortable with the silence within—meditation is a vital part of the process. Now it’s fine to read about this practice, but to put it simply, you just have to do it!

It’s possible to enter into a state of meditation when you consciously focus your mind on a single point. Some people find that using a mandala (those beautiful visual symbols) is helpful, while others visualize images such as a flower, a beautiful landscape scene or their spiritual guide. Still others prefer to continually chant, using a single word or sound.

Whatever method you choose, with steady practice and commitment, you’ll ultimately train your mind to become calm, to be still, which will foster a sense of well-being that can have tangible benefits in all areas of your life.


Taking the time to meditate is a gift you can give to yourself and your soul, especially when we’re stuck in our homes and practicing people distancing.

Here’s a simple exercise you can try whenever you feel overwhelmed with fear or anxiety. Find a peaceful place to sit, and take a slow breath. Close your eyes and imagine a brilliant white light entering your feet from the ground. Let the light travel up your calves, your legs, your back, your head, down your shoulders, your arms, and out though your fingers. Let the light relax every part of your body.

Do you have a favorite meditation that’s working for you? Please tell me about it on my Facebook community, so others can try as well. Equally, if you want to share this newsletter with anyone you think might might appreciate an introduction to meditation, feel free to share this Soul Inspirations or recommend they join our community.

Live a Soul-filled life!





Obviously, with the current situation these dates are subject to change.

An Evening of Clairvoyance
July 23rd, 2020  | 7:00pm-9:00pm ET | 4:00pm-6:00pm PT | 12:00am-2:00am GMT

Clairvoyance is the inner-sense of seeing. It’s when you receive images, pictures, symbols, words, and colors. It’s not about seeing with your physical eyes, but it’s about using your inner-eye or better known as “the third eye”.
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Aspects of Mediumship Part 3
August 15th, 2020 | 2:00-4:00pm ET | 11:00am-1:00pm PT | 5:00pm-7:00pm GMT
Details to follow soon on Part 3 of this highly popular online event with Janet Nohavec and John.

Bridging Two Realms
September 17th, 2020 | 7:00pm-9:00pm ET | Salem, MA
During this special evening at the historic Hawthorne Hotel in Salem, John will present a fascinating insight into how a medium connects with Spirit to bring healing messages of hope, love, and inspiration. John will explain how our loved ones on the Other-Side send us signs and symbols to let us know they're still connected to us. He'll also explain how you can have your own personal connections.
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Awakening Your Psychic Strengths
November 21st-22nd, 2020 | 2-day Workshop | Exeter, NH    Revised dates

This two day hands-on, highly interactive psychic development workshop provides an opportunity to extend your awareness beyond your physical senses and connect to your innate psychic abilities.
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Meet John in Person! If you'd like to find out more about John’s upcoming events in 2020
Click here to see John's full Events Calendar >>