soul inspiration
Accessing Your Higher Mind • Soul Inspirations • Issue 222 • June 6th, 2016

Hello Everyone

The more we stay connected to our higher mind – which we also call the Universe, the source, or spirit – the more we strengthen and build that crucial bridge between ourselves and our higher consciousness. While we’re all born connected to this divine awareness, we have a tendency to pull away from what was once natural. It’s reasonable to assume that when we become disconnected from our higher mind, the source that once nourished us will be replaced with another source or substitute. In other words, the connection could be with food, alcohol, nicotine, co-dependency to someone, or even work – hence the term workaholic. Many of us spend our lives trying to fill that void which was created when the link was broken.

It is possible to get reacquainted with your higher mind again. As you develop the ability to raise yourself above the conscious mind and all its impulses and distractions, you’ll find that place of stillness and peace and possibly… some answers. This is the part of yourself where you can gain a sense of the bigger picture. It’s the place where mundane details seem less important. It’s also the part of you that wants nothing more than to assist you in being happy, and to put you on the right path for your own psychic and spiritual development. When you face difficult situations in your life, try to remember to consult with your higher mind. Let yourself and your higher mind communicate with each other once again. After all, it’s always been there and always will be part of who you are.

The following exercise will assist you to access your higher mind. It will also be beneficial during those times when you need a little extra guidance. It will empower you to connect with your higher consciousness, and to get out of your head. The all-intuitive higher mind is there to assist you, and put you back on the path of clarity and purpose.


Make yourself comfortable, close your eyes and relax.

Bring your awareness to the bottom of your feet. Let your breath assist you in transferring the relaxing energy up through the bottom of your feet. Slowly, work your way up your calves, your thighs, your abdomen, chest, your fingers, hands, arms, shoulders, neck, face, right to the top of your head. Now at the top of your head I want you to imagine there is one big funnel starting to form, which reaches out into the universe. Think of it as a vortex of energy reaching upward.

Let your awareness constantly flow up and out of your head and into this funnel that’s opening up above you. All the information you want can be accessed and brought to you. You may want to imagine a shimmering ball or cloud of white light above this funnel. Now reach up with your mind, as if you are floating and blending with this brilliant white light. Slowly merge yourself into this space, as you continue to reach up and out of your body with your mind.

Take a few moments with this energy, and feel what it’s like to be calm and centered – to be one with your higher mind.

Now it is time to ask your higher mind a question. For example:

  • Is there someone you would like to get along with but you’re not sure how to go about it?
  • Is there a question about your job that you need guidance on?
  • Are you wondering what is stopping you from reaching your goals?

You can even ask if there’s something that your intuition has been trying to tell you. Ask your higher mind how you can be more receptive when it’s trying to communicate with you. You may want to ask, “What steps can I take to improve my life and spiritual development?” Ask one question at a time, and wait for a response. Take whatever answers come to you. You may receive a symbol, words or even a feeling. Don’t be surprised if your higher mind also chooses to make known a certain area of your life that you’re neglecting. Sometimes you don’t always get what you asked for – but what you need. Remember what you have received so that you can bring the information and answers back into your conscious mind.

It’s now time to bring your awareness back into your body. Don’t worry, as you’ll be able to go back to this special place anytime you wish. Slowly take a breath and let it assist you in coming back to the present. Feel yourself shifting down into your body, entering through the open funnel. Move your fingers and toes, and slowly open your eyes to become fully aware of your body and the room around you. 

Don’t worry if you feel as though you did not get an answer immediately. You may get the answer another way or even a day or two later, or maybe even from someone else unexpectedly.  Be open to let your higher mind speak to you in various ways. I often teach this technique in my workshops, but in the early stages of development, I encourage my students to start-off by asking small questions at first, so they can familiarize themselves with the meditation, and learn to differentiate their conscious thinking from their higher minds.

With practice, you’ll be able to seek insightful guidance anytime you wish. By using this sample meditation exercise, it will give you a sense of transformation and inner-wisdom, and could possibly be the key to open the door to an old friend – your spirit.

Have a SOUL-filled week!


During this specifically designed weekend in Mexico City, John & Lauren Rainbow will guide you in a positive and constructive manner to enhance your own unique abilities as you explore your connection to the Spirit World.


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LIVE Calls with John Holland and Friends
  • Experience Signs From Your Soul on a whole new level with brand-new LIVE group coaching calls with John and special guests.
  • Create the space to delve deeper into key teachings from the course, learn from experts hand-selected by John, and find the answers you’ve been searching for.
  • Over six Soul-filled months of live mentoring calls, you’ll learn more about Dream Interpretation, Soul-Self Care, Intuition, Soul Signs, Wake Up Calls, Creating a Sacred Space, and so much more …

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Mondays - 12:00 PM Pacific / 3:00 PM Eastern

John's next LIVE show will be on June 13th – Can The Dead Really Hear Us? – Many people often wonder if their loved ones who have passed really know what’s going on in their lives now? Can they see us? Can they hear us? Are we always connected?

Join John this week as he answers these questions, tells you what he has been told by the Spirit People and how you can continue to have an ongoing relationship with your loved ones. He will also be taking calls and doing readings for some of the lucky listeners!

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I Can Do It - Philadelphia
September 16-18, 2016 | Philadelphia, PA
John is giving both a keynote lecture and pre-conference workshop at this unique conference dedicated to your mind, body and spirit wellness in Philadelphia, PA. Give yourself a gift and devote a weekend to self-discovery and personal growth to recharge and re-ignite your life.
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Soul Connections - Exploring Spirit Guidance & Soul Strategies
September 23-25, 2016 | Omega Institute, Rheinbeck, NY
Join John Holland, Colette Baron-Reid, and Maureen Hancock for this fascinating weekend workshop exploring and celebrating spiritual renewal and guidance, soul strategies, and spirit connections.
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An Evening of Spirit Messages
October 5, 2016 | Mexico City
Spend an amazing evening with two of the top Psychic Mediums from the USA, John Holland & Lauren Rainbow, who will dedicate a large portion of this special night to bring you messages from your loved ones on the Other-Side.
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Learn to Connect to the Spirit World 3-day Workshop - Mexico City
October 7-9, 2016 | Mexico City
This 3-day workshop is principally for those who are interested or curious in developing their awareness and skills of mediumship. 
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