Would you like to understand how to use the power of your dreams to assist you with intuitive insights for your future, to solve current problems, and to overcome challenges?

  • Would you like to learn to understand and interpret your (or anyone else’s) dreams?
  • Did you know you could learn a simple step-by-step approach to dreamwork which will enable you to begin remembering and working with your dreams immediately?
  • Are you aware that dreams contain specific symbols and images that have a unique meaning to you and can be very helpful in psychic and mediumship development?
  • Would you like to understand the meaning behind common dreams that many people have had such as: flying, falling, being chased, or even dreams about losing teeth?
  • Did you know that our dreams are the number one way that our loved ones in Spirit can appear and connect with us?

Spend an afternoon on October 29th with a top Dream Expert & Author and a Psychic Medium as they teach you some  simple approaches to understand and interpreting your dreams. After this webinar you’ll have some valuable techniques to begin doing it for yourself and for others!

John Holland
& Kevin Todeschi will present a rare 2.5-hour LIVE online event: Dream Work. This is the first time this inspiring and educational webinar has been offered online with both John & Kevin teaching together, so places will go quickly! It will be an educational, practical and fun experience as John and Kevin share their individual and unique skills and knowledge.

Everyone dreams, but few individuals are aware of the fact that their dreams provide accurate and detailed counsel into every area of your life.

Not only physical, mental, and spiritual direction - but also personal guidance related to work, health, finances – even your relationships and personal future. This online webinar will give you a hands-on approach to interpreting dreams. The program will explore how to simplify and work with even the most complicated dreams, providing you with a step-by-step approach to working with easy, intermediate, and difficult dreams. In addition, even if you have never remembered a dream before, you will learn a Psychic Game that utilizes both symbolism and imagination and can provide you with waking dream guidance on virtually any question imaginable whenever you want!

Whether you've worked with dreams and symbolism all your life or have never remembered a dream before, this special Dream Work Webinar will show you simple approaches to understanding and interpreting dreams, symbols, and psychic images.

Topics covered during the workshop:

  • ⇒ The beginning basic steps on interpreting dreams and how to simplify and work with even the most complicated dreams.
  • ⇒ Real-life dreams and a description of how they were interpreted using such tools as working with themes and emotions, evaluating the dream in the context of current life events.
  • ⇒ How Dreams & Intuition work in partnership to assist you in your everyday life.
  • ⇒ How to recognize the most common types of dream symbolism.
  • ⇒ A special technique that will assist you in receiving insightful information on a question that you have programmed before you sleep.
  • ⇒ Personal, cultural, and archetypal symbols and why they appear in your dreams as well as life.
  • ⇒ How repeated symbols and images can be used in one’s psychic & mediumship unfoldment.
  • ⇒ Exploring some of the dreams interpreted by the Edgar Cayce readings and how we can learn from them.
  • ⇒ Precognitive Dreams and how to decipher their meanings but importantly how to follow its guidance.
  • ⇒ Q & A

John Holland Internationally renowned psychic medium, spiritual teacher, author, of numerous titles, oracle decks and apps.

His public demonstrations provide audiences with a rare glimpse into the fascinating subject of mediumship, which he delivers in his own unique style, explaining the delicate process of raising his own vibrational energy to link with the Other-Side and deliver messages, which he does with clarity, passion and the utmost integrity.


Kevin J. Todeschi, MA served in a variety of positions with Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E. for nearly forty years before retiring as Executive Director & CEO. A popular speaker, he has lectured on six continents to thousands of individuals. For more than 40 years, Kevin has helped individuals all over the world obtain meaningful and helpful information from their dreams.

A prolific writer, he is the author of more than 25 books, including The BEST Dream Book Ever.
