soul inspiration
Your BODY Your TEMPLE • Soul Inspirations • Issue 213 • Feb 1st, 2016

Hello Everyone

No matter how hard you may try to change the fact, you’re born with just one body in this lifetime. It may be thin, small, large, toned, short, or tall. Whatever the shape, color, or size – you only get one. It’s yours forever, so accept and embrace it, and above all - honor it.

This precious vehicle we call the body is the way that your soul expresses itself, and gets from place to place on it's journey here in this dense molecular physical dimension. Research has proven that most people are less than satisfied with the body they were born with. Some spend a lifetime attempting to perfect it with exercise combined with a good healthy lifestyle, while others choose to surgically change it. If we could only see through the eyes of the Divine how beautiful we are, we would know it, and recognize it for what it truly is – a wondrous temple for the soul.

The body is a miracle in itself and, used properly, it can be a wonderful intuitive resource to tap into the power of the soul. Your body is your soul’s instrument to show the outside world the luminous light that emanates from within. It’s easy to tell when someone’s really happy - as they glow from the inside out! The light literally radiates from them, and it’s a joy to step into their space (their aura) and bask in their positive energy. Think of the number of times that someone has told you: “You’re beaming!” The body and soul are constantly striving to live, work, and journey through this life in perfect harmony, just like perfectly formed bookends. They dance together as though they were always meant to partner each other.

Whether you use meditation, music, sound, or your own personal mantra to enter your temple, always remember to look at your body as a miracle. I constantly remind my students and readers of one of the most important statements, which I want to repeat again here: “The same material that makes up the universe is inside you. You need not look beyond your own body for Heaven for, in a sense, it’s a state of being and not necessarily a location somewhere out in the cosmos.”

Honor and take care of your temple, you only get one in this lifetime, and it will serve you and your soul quite well in the journey we call life.


With the New Year here, many of you of course had New Year’s resolutions and good intentions to do something for your body, or at least thought about how you can make it stronger, healthier and more vibrant.

Is there a yoga class you always wanted to try? Are you drawn to Tai Chi or another form of body movement practice that you have had interest in? Is that gym you keep passing by shouting for your attention? How about that dance class that a friend told you about? Do you still see people walking or jogging in your neighborhood and find yourself saying: “I really should be doing that too!”?

Life can be fast paced and hectic, and will try to stop you from doing what you know is right. We find ourselves saying: “Oh, I don’t have time to exercise” or “I will start tomorrow.” Then tomorrow turns into days, weeks, and then months.

Don’t let life live you – live your life!

Begin to honor your temple now. After all, aren’t you and your soul worth it?

Have a SOUL-filled week!


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Mondays - 12:00 PM Pacific / 3:00 PM Eastern

John's next LIVE show will be on February 8th – Direct Connect To God – Do you believe in miracles? Is it really possible for a medium to channel a healing that can benefit your body, mind, and spirit?

Join John and his special guest: Medium, Healer, and Author Debra Martin. They will be discussing how her mediumship has reached another level, which involves a special healing technique. They will also be discussing her co-authored book that details her healing ability journey that has helped many!

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I Can Do It - Seattle
February 12-14, 2016
Join John at this unique conference dedicated to your mind, body and spirit wellness in Seattle, WA. Give yourself a gift and devote a weekend to self-discovery and personal growth to recharge and re-ignite your life.
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Learn to Connect to the Spirit World
April 15-17, 2016    SOLD OUT
Join John in April for this Beginner's Mediumship Workshop, which will be limited to 62 participants. During this specifically designed weekend, John will guide you in a positive and constructive manner to enhance your own unique abilities as you explore your connection to the Spirit world.
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A.R.E.’s Annual Reincarnation and Soul Life Conference
May 13-15, 2016
Come and join me and other renowned speakers, and explore the afterlife and near death experiences with Neale Donald Walsch, author of “Conversations with God”, John Van Auken, PMH Atwater, Dr. Jason Parker, and Dr. Mary Helen Hensley. I will be delivering a keynote lecture LOVE NEVER DIES! Is it really possible to connect to the Afterlife?
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Pathways to Mediumship - a 5-day intensive Mediumship training workshop
June 12-17, 2016
Holland and Rainbow guide you through meditation practices, practical exercises, and small and large group discussions, as well as evidential training, lectures, and demonstrations. 
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